2-45 Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna
6-53b Eric Mason with Roger Pasks milk - outside '10 Row' Leicester Road Wigston Magna now Doris' Wool Shop copy
6-92 Dent's Timber Yard, Leicester Road Wigston circa 1916
8-132 Two Steeples Signage Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-135 House awaiting demolition Leicester Road Wigston Magna now Fir Tree Close
8-136 Mr Matthews Premises Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1910
8-137 Royal Oak Pub Leicester Road Wigston Fields - Mr Thorpe Landlord
8-138 Billie Horlocks Nursery c 1938 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-138b Billie Horlocks Nursery c 1938 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-139 299 Leicester Road Wigston Fields - home of William and Rebecca Horlock and son Willian - Market Gardeners
8-140 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-141 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-142 Old Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1911 Mr Thorpe the landlord and his wife in the trap
8-143 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-144 Leicester Road Wigston Fields c1950
8-145 Forryans Corner Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1960
8-146 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1960
8-147 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1960
8-148 Leicester Road & Aylestone Lane Junction Wigston Magna
8-149 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-150 Leicester Road Wigston Magna - house with notice board where Cartwright chimney seep lived c 1960
8-151 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1964
8-153 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-152 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1964
8-154 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1910 (showing the back of Forryans garden & orchard)
8-155 Bell Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-156 J H Carter - father of Lily Rogers -Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1920 - Typical shop that sold eberything
8-157 Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1906
8-159 Leicester Road - Corner Aylestone Lane Wigston Magna
8-159a Leicester Road - Corner Aylestone Lane Wigston Magna
8-160 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1920 (Meat shop on the corner of Aylestone Lane)
8-161 Forryan's Corner Leicester Road & Frederick Street on the left Wigston Magna
8-162 Forryan's Corner Leicester Road & Bell Street Junction Wigston Magna
8-163 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1910
8-164 Leicester Road + Star & Garter Inn behind the house on the left Wigston Magna circa 1904
8-165 Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1905
9-4 Two Steeples Factory Leicester Road Wigston Magna
9-134 Leicester Road by-pass Wigston Fields 1960's
9-182 J H Carter Drapery & Harware Leicester Road Wigston Magna
14-215 Leicester Road Looking towards Long Street Wigston Magna May 2009
14-216 Leicester Road Wigston Magna May 2009
14-217 Leicester Road Wigston Magna May 2009
14-281 The Star & Garter Leicester Road Wigston Magna May 2009
30-128  Horlocks Nurseries 1965
30-130  Horlocks Nurseries 1965
30-131  Horlocks Nurseries 1965
30-132  Horlocks Nurseries  1965
30-133  Horlocks Nurseries  1965
30-134 W Horlock & Sons sign   1966
30-142 Horlocks Nursery Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1954
30-165 Garden at Horlocks Nurseries Wigston Fields circa 1961
30-168 House at Horlocks Nurseries Wigston Fields circa 1961
30-174 Horlock Nursery in 1961
30-177 Horlock Nursery Leicester Road in 1961
30-401 Compton Cottage Leicester Road Wigston Magna where The Stage Hotel is now
30-403 Compton Cottage Leicester Road Wigston Magna where The Stage Hotel is now
30-406 Compton Cottage Leicester Road Wigston Magna where The Stage Hotel is now
30-416 Compton Cottage Leicester Road Wigston Magna where The Stage Hotel is now
30-428 Leicester Road Wigston Magna pre 1976
30-704 Mrs Blackett's Wool Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-733 The Bell Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1985
30-781 Coombs Hampshires Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-801 The Cheesecake Shop corner Aylestone Lane and Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-802 The Cheesecake Shop corner Aylestone Lane and Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-803 The Cheesecake Shop corner Aylestone Lane and Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-804 Baxters Bakery Leicester Roaf Wigston Magna
30-805 Baxters Bakery Leicester Roaf Wigston Magna
30-822 Leicester Road Wigston Magna early 1960's
30-863 Leicester Road Wigston Magna Feb  1984
32-079 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-080 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-081 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-082 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-083 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-084 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-085 Fairplay Toy Shop 53 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-115 Steven Greenfield serving in Fairplay Toy shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1990
32-121 1966 arrival of new slide on willow park with Timmy the black white terrier
32-127 Demolition of the art deco house on Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-128 Demolition of the art deco house on Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-129 Demolition of the art deco house on Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-149 John George Bradshaw shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-260 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-273 Cox shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-297 Outside the Fairplay Toy Shop when Darth Vader  arrived, Leicester Road Wigston Magna in 1981
32-298 Outside the Fairplay Toy Shop when Darth Vader  arrived, Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-302 Shops on Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1980
32-311 Tartan Coffee Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna early 1980's
32-326 The Royal Oak! Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-464 Jones for Gifts shop in Leicester Road Wigston Magna sold for development
32-465 Jones for Gifts shop in Leicester Road Wigston Magna sold for development
14-244 Mugal Crown Indian Restaurant Corner Leicester Road & Victoria Street Wigston Magna May 2009
32-502 Glass Plate photo of the Royal Oak Pub Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-579 The Poplars Leicester Road Wigston
6-53 Eric Mason with Roger Pasks milk - outside '10 Row' Leicester Road Wigston Magna now Doris' Wool Shop
8-158 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-204 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1963
33-340 The Poplars Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1968
33-429 The Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna painted by C Butcher 1982
33-541 W H Cox Shop 1899 Leicester Road Wigston Magna by N Clarke
33-552 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-573 The Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-673 Grangeway Hair Fashions 219 Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1968
33-692 Leicester Road - Aylestone Road Corner Wigston Magna  1990
33-693 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1990
33-693 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-694 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1990
33-695 Letteridge and Nikkis in the Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1978
33-739 The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1978
33-740 The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1978
33-741 The Bell Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1990
33-965 Leicester road Wigston Magna 1970's during the power cuts
33-966 Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1930 with Frederick Street off to the right
33-983 The Poplars Leicester Road Wigston Magna
34-010 Cox's Fruit & Veg Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
34-011 Cox's Fruit & Veg Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-179 Jarvis's Fish & Chip Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna opposite the Bell Inn c 1935
34-119 Approach to the Wakes Road traffic island 1976
34-135 Development of the new Wigston By-Pass Leicester Road  1976
34-138 Forryan's Corner Bell Street & Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1963
34-146 Leicester Road - Long Street with Aylestone Lane on right and Forryan's Farm - orchard on left
34-147 Leicester Road new layout with dual carriageway 1976
34-148 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1960's
34-149 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1963
34-171 Shopping parade on Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1976
34-172 Shops in Wigston Magna Arcade 1978
34-183 The Poplars Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1963
34-185 The Wigston Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1978
34-231 Land between end of old Leicester Road and the new By-pass Wigston Magna 1976
34-234 Leicester Road Wigston Magna green gate-way with art-nouveau-Victorian style ironmongery right next door to Cox’s shop 2018
34-244 Bradshaw hardware shop Leicester Road 1963
34-343 Tap & Barrel Pub Leicester Road Wigston Magna Nov 2018
34-348 Leicester Rd  Wigston Magna 1964 and 1996
34-382 The Grange leicester Road Wigston Magna c 1915
34-416 W H Cox fruit shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna 2001
34-471 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna c 1920
34-548 Kathleen Clara Hill 1907-1986 leaning on the car at The Grange Wigston Magna
8-162a Forryan's Corner Leicester Road & Bell Street Junction Wigston Magna
8-162b Forryan's Corner Leicester Road & Bell Street Junction Wigston Magna
34-613 Forryan's Corner 2019 taken from Long Street Wigston Magna
34-614 Forryan's Corner Wigston Magna 2019 now redeveloped
34-671 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 19-04-1904
34-691 Shops on Leicester Road opposite Aylestone Lane Wigston Magna
34-726 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1974
34-727 Leicester Road Wigston Magna proposed development 1963
34-728 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
34-739 Trustee Savings Bank Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1970
36-001 A Ladkin Butchers the Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1989
36-002 Sylvias The Arcade leicester Road Wigston Magna 1989
36-003 Sylvias The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-004 Gifts & Jewellery Centre Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-005 The Gift Box Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-006 Wigston Ironmongery & DIY Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-007 A G Kemble Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-008 Robinsons The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-009 John Cheatle Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-010 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-011 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-018 Lords Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-707 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-708 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-709 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-710 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-711 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-712 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-713 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
36-714 The Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-257 Royal Oak Pub Leicester Road Wigston Magna during work to change it to a Sainsbury store
35-348 Construction of the Stage Motel Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1969
35-374 The Poplars Leicester Road Wigston Fields 1965
32-273a Cox shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
33-429 aThe Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna painted by C Butcher 1982
8-137a Royal Oak Pub Leicester Road Wigston Fields - Mr Thorpe Landlord c 1948
35-422 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-423 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-424 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-425 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-426 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-427 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-428 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-429 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-430 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-431 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-432 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-433 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-434 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-435 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-436 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-437 Bill Cox Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-438 Bill Cox in his shop on Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-479 Leicester Road with Forryan orchard on the left c 1900
35-552 Sainsbury's local store Welford Road Wigston Fields Mar 2020
35-553 Sainsbury's local store Welford Road Wigston Fields Mar 2020
35-554 Sainsbury's local store Welford Road Wigston Fields Mar 2020
35-555 Sainsbury's local store Welford Road Wigston Fields Mar 2020
35-599 Sainsburys store on Leicester Road Wigston Fields April 2020
35-708 Cox's Fruit Shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1960's
35-753 Cox's shop and Alfred Kings Chemists Leicester Road 1916
35-764 W H Cox 2 Leicester Road with Billy Cox outside 2011
35-856a Billhop Leicester Road Wigston Magna Cox Fruit
35-857 Bill Cox fruit shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-858 Bill Cox fruit shop Leicester Road Wigston Magna
35-946 Royal Oak Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-139a 299 Leicester Road Wigston Fields - home of William and Rebecca Horlock and son Willian - Market Gardeners
8-142a Old Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1911 Mr Thorpe the landlord and his wife in the trap
2-45a Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-141a Leicester Road Wigston Magna
8-164a Leicester Road + Star & Garter Inn behind the house on the left Wigston Magna circa 1904
8-154a Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1910 (showing the back of Forryans garden & orchard)
8-163a Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1910
8-157a Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1906
8-160a Leicester Road Wigston Magna 1920 (Meat shop on the corner of Aylestone Lane)
39-334 Leicester Road Wigston Magna c 1910
39-335 Leicester Road Wigston Magna March 3rd 1972
39-375 Wigston Magna Leicester Road February 1979
39-376 Wigston Magna Looking towards Long Street  February 1979
39-405 A G Kemble Ltd Leicester Road Wigston paperbag c 1965
39-443 The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-513 Restawhile Cafe Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-520 The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-595 The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna
13-1 The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna built 1841
14-078 Junction of Aylestone Road and Leicester Road Wigston Magna
14-154 Leicester Road Wigston Magna circa 1980
14-186 Forryan's courner Leicester Road Wigston prior to demolition
14-218 Leicester Road Wigston Magna 2009
14-220 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
14-272 The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna
14-272a The Grange Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-236 Leicester Road Wigston Magna c 1976
30-670 Bell Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna Feb 1984
30-671 Bishop & Bishop Service Station Leicester Road & Wakes Road Wigston Magn 2003
30-688 Hiltons Bakers Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-690 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-727 Star & Garter Inn Leicester Road Wigston Magna
30-882 Leicester Rd Wigston Magna.1965.. Two Steeples factory would be over to the right
30-883 Leicester Road Wigston Magna May 1985
30-913 'Rest A While Cafe' on the extreem left Leicester Road Wigston Magna mid 70's
30-958 Warrens Corner Frederick Street and Leicester Road Wigston Magna May  1985
31- 019 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
31-205 Leicester Road Wigston Magna postcard 1904
31-206 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
31-218 Mr & Mrs Green - House on Leicester Road next to Bishop & Bishop circa 1966
31-259 The Royal Oak Leicester Road Wigston Magna
31-260 The Royal Oak Sign Leicester Road Wigston Magna
32-333 Warrens shop on corner of Leicester Raod and Frederick Street Wigston Magna c 1980
34-273 Wigston Grange Leicester Road Wigston Fields
35-856 Billhop Leicester Road Wigston Magna Cox Fruit
39-593 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-594 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-606 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-614 John Rainwear Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-618 Osbornes Stationers Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-619 Scraptoft Garage Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-620 The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna 2018
39-624 Robnsons The Arcade Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-625 The Co-operative Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-628 Kim's Crafts Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-630 Forryan's Corner - Leicester Road - Bell Street Wigston Magna
39-637 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-644 The Stage Motel Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-645 The Stage Motel Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-650 A E Ludbrook Butchers 281 Leicester Road Wigston Magna with Mr Ludbrook in the doorway
39-651 A E Ludbrook Butchers 281 Leicester Road Wigston Magna
39-653 Leicester Road Wigston Magna post road widening taken opposite Granville Road where Potters Carpets are situated
39-654 Leicester Road Wigston Magna pre road widening taken opposite Granville Road where Potters Carpets are situated
39-652 The building of The Wigston Stage Hotel Leicester Road Wigston Magna